Monday, August 11, 2008


So, I from time to time have been known to say things (often without thinking) and sadly sometimes after much thought that get recorded down in pages of peoples hearts and minds...In my short time so far at Shore Fellowship there has been a student in our ministry who has almost been a historian in the sense that she writes all these saying of mine down.  Just recently I received from her a scrapbook page of some of my most famous quotes.  Thank you Lauren, I appreciate the gift and can't believe I said all of these things...

Lauren is on a quest to continue to write these little verbal throw ups of mine down till she graduates so then she can see what she has learned in the 4 years of being in our student ministry.  

You may have heard me say something like...

"Checking these off like madd"
"The fat kid inside of me is going gimme gimme gimme"
"I pick my nose and scratch my butt with this hand"
"I tend to do the AGGGHH and then the Hulk"
"I don't know my directions"
"Freaking out and loading guns"
"If God spoke to you in an audible voice what would you do? I would cry out that I was sorry, hit the floor, pee my pants and ask is this cops?!"
"Probably had toe junk in there"
"You tubing videos all night"
"Dude, (waves) be still"
"That's just how they rolled"
"Clean baby bottom fresh"

1 comment:

Katlyn Elizabeth said...

Haha! You are definitely the coolest youth pastor ever!! haha.
check out my blog! - Katlyn <3.